Why Do Your Muscles Swell After a Workout? Here's the Answer

Get stronger muscles through exercise - they might swell, but it's a sign of growth. Don't worry, this is just your body getting fitter!

Body & Mind
Why Do Your Muscles Swell After a Workout? Here's the Answer

If you've ever initiated a new fitness regimen focused on weight lifting, only to find it challenging navigating down stairs in the following days then you're acquainted with the undesirable effects of muscle building.

Another observable effect post-strength training session might be bloated muscles. This could result in reduced flexibility, stiffness and overall discomfort.

What's behind your swollen muscles after working out? Training results in temporary inflammation and swelling as muscle fibers are torn down and rebuilt, boosting strength.

Continue reading to understand more about why your muscles swell post-workout and what steps you can take towards it.

Causes of Muscle Inflation Following an Exercise Session

1. You Are Trying Out Weightlifting Routines Your Muscles Haven't Experienced Before

In case you observe your arms becoming puffy following an upper body exercise, this could be due to introducing a fresh workout or managing weights heavier than what you usually lift.

When our muscles are pushed to handle loads they generally don't endure, the strain causes minuscule rips within their fibers. According to University Hospitals, these small tears contribute positively towards strengthening muscles as once this microdamage is fixed; it results in even stronger re-built muscle fibers.

Quickly post-exercise, white blood cells zoom into the affected muscle area to clean up any leftover debris from the inflicted damage while secreting prostaglandins.

As reported by Cleveland Clinic, Prostaglandins is an element resembling hormones that trigger pain and inflammation. Simultaneously with white blood cells, fluids rich in other nutrients and enzymes pour into the muscle aiding its regeneration process. This surge of extra fluids entering your muscle can also lead to post-workout swelling.

2. Eccentric Muscle Contractions are a Part of Your Exercise Routine

When a muscle contracts, there two stages: the 'positive', or concentric phase (e.g., lifting phase of biceps curl), and the 'negative' or eccentric part (for instance, lowering phase during a biceps curl). Studies such as this Journal of Applied Physiology review from March 2017 suggest that it's typically the eccentric contraction causing majority of muscle damage, inflammation and soreness; this process requires muscles to stretch while they contract.

Hence, experiencing swelled biceps after performing an activity like a bicep curl or forearm bloating post wrist curl exercise is perfectly normal.

Weight lifting usually results in muscular discomfort due to multiple consecutive eccentric movements included in it. However, activities entailing endurance with weight-bearing like marathon running can similarly contribute towards muscular injury and inflammation.

3. Encounter of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Post-exercise swelling can be an element of a disorder named delayed-onset muscle soreness, often known as DOMS, cites the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

DOMS doesn't just provoke swelling and discomfort but also contributes to joint rigidness and transient weakness in the impacted muscles. Wondering about the duration your muscles keep swollen post-exercise? With regard to DOMS usually signs appear between 24 to 72 hours following a workout session and decrease after several days, as stated by ACSM.


There exists a scarce but severe medical condition named rhabdomyolysis. It can result in muscle swelling following an intense exercise routine. The condition manifests when there's a swift disintegration of muscles, resulting in the ejection of muscular cell contents into the circulatory system as per Cleveland Clinic. Mild instances might not present any noticeable symptoms, but it could potentially be fatal.

Frequently, rhabdomyolysis arises from direct trauma inflicted on your muscles although overuse during rigorous workouts can also induce it. Apart from notable swelling, other indications may include acute muscle pain and weakness along with urine that is reminiscent of tea color.

Additional symptoms might comprise nausea, puking episodes, bruises appearing frequently without plausible explanation; sudden onset fever or bouts of confusion are also prevalent signs. If you suspect any hint of this serious condition manifesting itself based on these symptoms - immediate medical help should be sought to mitigate potential irreversible kidney damage.

In order to minimize your chances of succumbing to rhabdomyolysis ensure considerable hydration before undertaking strenuous physical activity and maintain optimum hydration levels throughout said activities as per Cleveland Clinic's recommendation. Furthermore, personal limitations regarding physical exertion should always be respected.

Approaches to Handle Post-workout Muscle Swelling

Although it might be challenging to keep muscle inflammation at bay altogether, a few strategies are on offer for taming the aforementioned conditions. These recommendations come from none other than the National Health Service (NHS):

  • Icing swollen muscles should last only up to 20 minutes each time.
  • Try massaging areas of muscular swelling.
  • Gently stretching sore muscles can help.

Furthermore, recognize and practice active recovery pathways such as walking. Ensuring ample nutrition and sleep also contributes significantly towards personal rehabilitation efforts - this advice provided by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

Understanding if an injury or normal restorative processes cause a swell is crucial. A sudden acute bruise like tearing your muscle will result in sharp pain during exercises accompanied by immediate inflammations which typically surround bone or joint surface.

In contrast, chronic traumas may not lead visible inflammation; however, workouts would often exacerbate these latent pains more than subsequent days' ordinary activities. In case you suspect an ongoing serious injury, consult medical professionals promptly and consider using the PEACE & LOVE methodology:

  • Protection: Prevent movement for substantial bleeding control minimizing risk of aggravating potential injuries
  • Elevation: Intend interstitial fluid release by elevating injured zone above heart level
  • Avoid anti-inflammatories: Strictly avoid utilizing anti-inflammatory medicines affecting prolonged tissue healing adversely
  • Compression: Congestion and tissue hemorrhage check through applying pressure via tapes/bandages
  • Education: To glean specific understanding about managing your medical condition effectively contact healthcare providers.


  • As long as significant distress isn't experienced load area under attention supporting repair and remodeling
  • Practice optimism during progress recuperating positively affecting your medical outcome.
  • Engage in cardio for increasing vascularization towards zone affected if physically feasible.
  • Early exercise initiatives can help regain mobility and strength.

So it's crucial to take proactive measures as soon as post-workout swelling arises, keeping in mind these steps endorsed by health authorities like the NHS and NASM.

Author: Elizabeth Johnson