5 Simple Heart-Healthy Exercises

Meet Dr. Elizabeth Klodas, a top heart expert! Explore her five easy but essential exercises for heart health that she personally follows.

Body & Mind
5 Simple Heart-Healthy Exercises

Adopting several healthful living habits is crucial to enhancing heart health, regular physical activity being a chief one. In fact, Elizabeth Klodas, MD FACC, an accredited cardiologist and the founding figure of Preventative Cardiology Clinic as well as Step One Foods' founder and principal medical officer, labels routine exercise "a fundamental aspect of cardiac health." She also pinpoints sedentary behaviour as "an imposing risk element in the induction of cardiovascular ailments" additionally expediting premature death due to various illnesses like dementia and cancer. Hence we conferred with Dr. Klodas about her preferred workouts for maintaining a healthy heart.

Before you pull on your workout gear though to try these activities out yourself, let's delve deeper into why consistent exercise plays such an integral role in supporting not just your cardiac wellbeing but overall wellness too. As per Dr Klodas' explanation; "Regular physical exertion can stimulate HDL (positive cholesterol) circulation while constraining LDL (negative cholesterol). It supports blood pressure regulation optimally and enhances insulin receptiveness aiding better control over blood sugar levels. Physical activity also aids in calorie management inhibiting excessive weight gain". Given that abnormal levels of cholesterol, hypertension, subpar glucose regulation, obesity are all potent triggers for cardiac ailment development; inclusion daily life serves prevent a multitude of potential risk factors."

Jogging or Sprinting

It's about time you pull on your running shoes and jump on the treadmill or venture outside for some high-energy cardio. Jogging or sprinting is a workout that Dr. Klodas engages in regularly-and understandably so. "Five years ago, I initiated a consistent jogging/sprinting regimen and initially disliked every moment of it. But just last weekend, I completed a ten-mile run, extracted immense pleasure from it, and can't contemplate a day devoid of my recurring jog/sprint pattern," she shares.

Dr. Klodas emphasizes how these kinds of cardio activities amplify your cardiovascular fitness level as well as serve as an impeccable method to manage stress. Furthermore, jogging and sprinting can enhance your endurance levels significantly." Being under stress frequently results in less awareness towards our dietary habits (which impacts everything)," she notes; hence manipulating stress via physical exercises is an outstanding approach to maintaining both diet discipline & cardiac wellness in balance. On top of this, developing endurance equips you stronger in case you confront any injury or ailment.

Powerlifting Sessions

Indulge in the incredible benefits of powerlifting. By integrating calisthenics and weight-lifting activities into your daily regimen, you are positively contributing towards improving not just physical performance, but also overall health and self-sufficiency late in life. On top of this, study demonstrates that a minimum 30-minute weekly session with weight training is associated with a 23% reduction risk for coronary heart illness - when compared to zero participation in lifting weights.

"A physique bearing more muscles operates akin to an enhanced burner so there is quicker calorie combustion which can be crucial for sustaining metabolic health as we progress in age," explains Dr Klodas. "Strength training offers added advantages such as preserving equilibrium during our later years plus aids maintenance of cognitive functioning while growing older."

Flexibility and Stretching

Dr. Klodas gives high priority to improving flexibility and carrying out stretching exercises as a crucial part of fitness practice. This exercise methodology is known to heighten balance and play a pivotal role in preventing injuries that may occur from other activity types, says Dr. Klodas.

Numerous studies also reinforce the advantages for heart health derived from focusing on flexibility and stretching routines. For instance, a study conducted in2020 published in the Journal of Physiology states that participants who stretched over a period of 12 weeks illustrated elevated blood circulation levels, reduced artery stiffness, along with decreased blood pressure readings. By promoting healthy circulation of blood it can potentially prevent extensive damage to arterial walls which might result in lower risks associated with stroke or heart attack episodes,explains Cleveland HeartLab .

Activities She Truly Loves, Such as Hiking or Skiing

Finding pleasure in your everyday physical activities makes it a more enduring routine. As per Dr. Klodas's statements, "My personal preferences include hiking and skiing, so I seize the opportunity anytime it arises to engage in these activities. The purpose of exercise and mobility is not only promoting health but also enjoyment; sometimes though, it takes time for an activity to become enjoyable."

Additionally, scientific evidence supports substantial benefits of exercises such as downhill skiing. Based on a study featured in Frontiers in Physiology, downhill skiing can boost your VO2 max (which has been correlated with a reduction in cardiovascular incidents) and contribute towards "more favorable" lifestyle attributes along with overall health status.

Heightening Your Current Workout Intensity

Enhancing the physical activities you already engage in daily can be a tremendous start. As Dr. Klodas suggests, "Taking steps such as parking farther from the store's entrance or choosing stairs over an elevator is excellent advice." Try incorporating more movements into your everyday routines — it boosts your metabolism and burns additional calories off. We should not forget that we are also subject to the laws of physics: An object that moves tends to keep moving.

Author: Marcus Washington