Vomiting Can Damage Your Throat: Tips to Calm and Heal It

Uncover causes of post-vomiting throat pain, duration, and relief tips. Ease discomfort with our simple steps.

Body & Mind
Vomiting Can Damage Your Throat: Tips to Calm and Heal It

Regurgitation results in an unpleasant sensation in the stomach, additionally causing discomfort to your throat. Even post the easing out of the initial nausea, you may still experience a distressing burning feeling or tenderness within your throat for several hours or even days.

In cases where episodes of vomiting have only occurred minimally, there is no severe harm caused to your throat despite perceived pain. However, giving way to frequent bouts can potentially lead towards serious complications concerning your throat.

Next section will help us understand why we encounter soreness in our throats after incidents of vomiting and how best we can eradicate this discomfort swiftly.

The Cause of Throat Discomfort and Burning After Vomiting

When one vomits, the throat tissue interacts with the stomach contents leading to irritation and inflammation; this results in a stinging sensation. Vomit contains potent digestive acids and enzymes from your stomach, which causes this discomfort, explains Corina Din-Lovinescu; DO, an otolaryngologist at ENT and Allergy Associates in New Jersey.

Your gastric juice has a pH ranging from 1.5 to 2 on average, posits Dr. Din-Lovinescu. This is equivalent to straight vinegar or lemon juice acidity level while slightly less acidic than sulfuric acid as per claims by the U.S Geological Survey.

Despite its intense feeling that could suggest otherwise, regular puking doesn't genuinely burn your throat clarifies Aditya Sreenivasan; MD, a gastroenterologist at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC. He says it's more probable for occasional vomiting bouts to create distress rather than concrete physiological harm.

Conversely, continual throwing up can lead to complications like esophagitis — an affliction instigating esophagus inflammation alongside difficulties swallowing and sore throats. In certain scenarios of intense inflammation eruption within affected individuals might even result in throwing up minute quantities of blood reveals Dr. Sreenivasan.

In cases where vomiting is exceptionally forceful , damage may occur within the throat tissues yielding symptoms articulated below as per Dr Din-Lovinescu:

  • Pain around chest area.
  • Abdominal pain
  • Neck soreness
  • Challenges swallowing
  • Voice alterations
  • Fever development
  • Air pockets under chest or neck skin.


Should you observe the mentioned signs, connect with your physician promptly and seek immediate help from the closest emergency care center.

Three Situations That May Intensify Throat Discomfort Due to Vomiting

There exist specific situations which may amplify the harsh effects of vomiting on your throat. These are as follows:


GERD, which stands for Gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a common condition where stomach acid persistently backflows into the throat or mouth area. This frequent occurence ends up iritating your throat lining and might induce discomfort and difficulties when swallowing (according to Mayo Clinic).

Also known as heartburn, GERD could cause extreme chest burning sensation and produce coughing fits; typically referred to as GERD cough (as stated by the Mayo Clinic). You may also experience waking up with a sore throat due to this condition.

When experiencing GERD symptoms such as vomiting,this could potentially worsen the situation because your already delicate throat tissue can suffer further damage causing more severe symptoms. Dr Sreenivasan directly indicated that these harsh occurrences are quite possible.

2. Esophagitis

One of the things we've discovered over time is that regular bouts of vomiting can prompt esophagitis. However, it's also important to note that the irritation and swelling condition - esophagitis often caused by other health issues such as GERD or specific autoimmune diseases can worsen due to regurgitation, notes Dr. Din-Lovinescu.

This could place you at an escalated risk for more symptoms associated with esophagitis like those mentioned below, according to Cleveland Clinic:

  • The sensation that something is lodged in your throat
  • Actual instances of food getting wedged in your throat
  • Digestive problems commonly known as indigestion
  • Regular nausea or bouts of vomiting
  • Traces of blood found in your vomit
  • Oral lesions commonly referred to as mouth sores

3. Oral Ulcers

Oral ulcers, also known as mouth sores, are small hurting wounds that can appear on your gums, tongue, roof of the mouth or within your lips and cheeks Cleveland Clinic.

Often these ulcers might develop due to accidental biting of your cheek or tongue or from consuming acidic food items. However, they could also be a result of stressors or health conditions like Crohn's Disease or Celiac disease according to Cleveland Clinic.

Victimisation by any form of acid such as through acidic edibles or beverages may disturb the healing process associated with oral ulcers. This includes stomach acids in vomit as informed by Dr. Din-Lovinescu.

Five Methods to Alleviate Your Throat Pain After Vomiting

Vomiting can cause your throat a significant amount of discomfort, but there exist solutions for quick alleviation. Here are some tactics to diminish the irritation from your throat:

1. Managing Your Nausea

In order to protect your throat from further irritation, it's essential to halt repeated upheavals. If you still feel nauseous, Dr. Din-Lovinescu recommends considering the use of an off-the-shelf medication aimed at suppressing nausea and vomiting. One suggestion would be Emetrol which acts by calming the stomach muscles responsible for inducing regurgitation.

2. Maintain Hydration Levels (Preferably with Lukewarm Liquids)

Rehydrating is crucial after vomiting, whatever method you adopt. Consuming liquids not only aids in keeping your throat tissues moist and accelerating recovery as stated by Dr. Din-Lovenscu.

Drinking unadorned water can be good if your tummy permits it, though lukewarm liquids such as broth or tea may be more calming. Moreover, they usually are easier to deal with when feeling sick.

Once you start sensing improvement, optimal beverages and meals to consume post-vomiting encompass Pedialyte, toasted bread slices, rice dishes, applesauce along with various other mashed foods.

3. Consider Honey or a Lozenge as an Option

A potent natural remedy for the distress of a sore throat could well be just a spoonful of honey, which forms a temporary protective layer over your irritated throat and offers momentary relief, as stated in an overview from August 2021 on BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine.

Another simple solution that Dr. Sreenivasan recommends is to suck on lozenges or other hard sweets. Notably, there's evidence suggesting licorice-based lozenges can effectively alleviate throat discomfort according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

4. Operate a Humidifier during Sleep

Positioning a humidifier near your sleeping area can increase the humidity levels of your room, according to Dr. Din-Lovinescu. This additional moisture tends to maintain the hydration levels in your throat tissues as you sleep, which might reduce feelings of itchiness and discomfort.

5. Avoid Potential Irritants

It is advisable to steer clear of acidic foods or beverages that could exacerbate the discomfort in your throat. Strive not to expose yourself to things that possibly spur coughing such as smoke or strong cleaning supplies, according to recommendations by Mayo Clinic.

Steps to Avert Throat Discomfort Resulting from Vomiting

For those who often find themselves succumbing to the urge of vomiting, certain measures can be taken not just as a form of throat discomfort prevention but also as remedies for some associated gastric disorders. Some lifestyle modifications inculcate:

  • Controlling GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) besides acid reflux
  • Steer clear from consuming foods that are spicy, deep-fried or excessively processed
  • Prevent overeating especially up till you vomit
  • Regulate consumption of alcohol; frequent bouts of vomiting due resultantly could lead to throat complications (source)
  • Always ensure your head is slightly lifted post meals
  • Seek medical attention promptly if suffering from specific eating disorders responsible for inducing burning sensations in one's throat during an episode of vomiting (reference)

Consultation with a Doctor

Typically, experiencing a burning sensation or discomfort in your throat several hours to one day post-vomiting is considered normal.

However, you should seek immediate medical attention if the discomfort persists for more than a few days. Also, if vomiting continues beyond 24 hours or there are symptoms of dehydration, an appointment with your doctor should be scheduled promptly.

It's crucial that you visit an emergency department if serious symptoms such as extreme pain or blood appearing in vomit are detected. These could potentially point towards a ruptured throat.

Author: Mary Wilson