Strawberry Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Enjoy a cup (144g) of strawberries for just 46 calories! Packed with vitamin C, fiber, and potassium - 1g protein, 11g carbs and under half a gram of fat.

Healthy Eating Guides
Strawberry Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

The strawberry is an alluringly sweet, fragrant fruit loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This fruit is among the most beloved options available on the market due to its naturally savory taste overflowing with nutrients. It doesn't take much to recognize why strawberries are such a seamless fit for maintaining good health.

Nutritional Values of Strawberries

A serving size of strawberries, which is approximately one cup (152g), contains 49 calories. Each serving also comes with 1 gram of proteins, and half a gram of fats coupled with 12 grams carbs to provide energy. Other nutritional benefits include high quantity of vitamin C, dietary fiber and potassium as per standards set by USDA.

  • Calories: 49
  • Fats: 0.5g
  • Sodium: 1.5mg
  • Carbohydrates :11.7g
  • Dietary Fiber: 3g
  • Sugars :7.4g
  • Protein :1g
  • Vitamin C content :89.4mg
  • Potassium levels: 233mg
  • Magnesium concentration:19,8mg


In a single cup serving of strawberries, there exist approximately 12 grams of carbs. It comprises both 3 grams fiber and sugar to the tune of 7.4 grams. Strawberries have been rated as having a glycemic index at around the 25 mark; meanwhile their glycemic load is stated as being just over three.


Strawberries have an inherently minimal fat content-approximately 0.5 grams per cup predominantly comprised of polyunsaturated fats.


Strawberries provide a mere 1 gram of protein for each cup.

Essential Nutrients

Strawberries are abundant in vitamin C, almost satisfying the daily requirement with just one cup. Moreover, they have an impressive content of potassium, folate, calcium and magnesium.

Caloric Content

Strawberries can be considered a food item with minimal caloric content mostly derived from carbs. Their high fiber levels aid in decelerating carbohydrates' digestion, thereby maintaining steady blood sugar levels.


Strawberries naturally contain a small number of calories and fat, but a high amount of fiber-rich complex carbs. They're an impressive source of Vitamin C and decent providers of potassium, folate, and magnesium. High levels of antioxidants can also be found in strawberries.

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Well-being Advantages

Berries acquire their lively color from a plethora of antioxidants they contain. These are several manners by which strawberries bolster optimal health.

Hinders Elevated Glucose Levels

Berries, particularly strawberries, are among the fruits with the least amount of sugar and offer numerous advantages for handling diabetes. Strawberries are rich in fiber content that helps in maintaining consistent blood sugar levels. Moreover, they could help lessen the usual increase seen in blood glucose after eating. They contribute to mitigating heightened glucose levels by suppressing both absorption and movement of glucose in the gut.

Alleviates Arthritis Discomfort

Clincial research indicates that strawberries can mitigate inflammatory responses in individuals dealing with knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis, a disease characterized by inflammation, triggers severe discomfort during outbreaks. Existing evidence suggests that drinking a 50-gram drink made from rehydrated freeze-dried strawberries over the course of 12 weeks enhances life quality for patients suffering from osteoarthritis. This is largely attributed to bioactive compounds found within strawberries.

On the whole, various berries - including both strawberries and blueberries - are viewed as some of the most potent anti-inflammatory fruits available. This makes them an ideal nutritional addition for anyone experiencing joint swelling or pain.

Encourages Injury Repair

The typical adult needs between 75 and 90 milligram of vitamin C each day. Strawberries, being an excellent source of this potent antioxidant, contain around 90 milligrams in a single serving.

Vitamin C acts as the foundation for collagen — a structural substance in our skin.

Given that your body doesn't have the capability to manufacture or retain what's known as Vitamin C (a water-soluble variety), it is imperative that you ingest it through diet regularly. Sufficient intake of Vitamin C furnishes the essential components necessary for repairing damages and expediting wound healing.

Encourages Cardiovascular Wellbeing

Strawberries contain fiber, potentially assisting in maintaining balanced cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The strawberries' flavonoids and potassium aid in reducing elevated blood pressure. Moreover, they are packed with vitamin C and folate- two essential elements for cardiac wellness. Possessing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant advantages, strawberries not only offer a delightful taste but also safeguard your heart's health.

Potential Reduction in Colon Cancer Risk

Inflammatory bowel conditions are associated with heightened prevalence of colon cancer. Both these conditions share common dietary patterns – lower intake of fruits and vegetables, and a higher consumption of animal fats. A comprehensive analysis of multiple studies suggests that an increase in the consumption of strawberries may be beneficial.

Strawberries have been proven to enhance markers for oxidative stress owing to their rich anthocyanins content. In view of their wide popularity, endorsing the consumption of strawberries is generally a widely accepted suggestion.

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Hypersensitivity Reactions

It's feasible for one to be allergic to strawberries, which could result in shared-sensitivity reactions triggered by consumption of other fruits such as cherries or grapes. Typical manifestations may include urticaria (hives), dyspnea (difficult breathing), and a constricting sensation in the throat. If you have suspicions of having an adverse immune response towards strawberries, it would be prudent to seek consultation with an allergy specialist for diagnosis verification.

Note: 'urticaria' and 'dyspnea' are medical terms referring to hives and shortness of breath respectively.

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Strawberries have a multitude of types which can be classified under June-bearing, everbearing, and day-neutral. You might typically find June bearers in spring. Varieties like Earligrow, Annapolis, Seneca, Jewel, and Allstar are all examples.

Everbearing strawberries bear fruit three times throughout the year: once in springtime, then summer followed by autumn. Tristar and Tribute belong to this variety of strawberry. As for Day-neutral strawberries - these continue to yield fruits all-year-round. They're versatile beings that require low area clearance and can even serve as groundcovers.

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Optimal Time for Their Quality

Opt for strawberries that possess a deep and uniform red shade. Stay clear from overripe berries mottled with fungus indications. You can encounter fresh strawberries during all seasons in your local supermarket, though their peak quality is most evident in the warm seasons of spring and summer, right after they are harvested. Assess your vicinity's farmer markets or seek places where you can harvest these fruits yourself to get hold of the sweetest and most mature options.

Given any opportunity, side towards organic strawberries as an alternative to steer clear from prevalent pesticides used largely conventional farming practices. For further sweetness enhancement along with additional nutrient capacity at no regard to what season it is during the year, consider purchasing frozen strawberries.

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Safekeeping and Nutrition Security

Before keeping them, sift through your strawberries pack to take out any spoilt ones - strawberries should be stored in the chilliest section of your fridge. They are best when used within a week but ideally, consume them within a few days.

Fresh strawberries need to be washed under running water prior to consumption or cutting pieces (but rinse only when you're set for use). If all fresh strawberries can't be consumed before they become rotten, freezing them individually on a baking tray and moving them into a storage bag for later consumption is an option.

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Preparatory Steps

Yoghurt, cottage cheese and both hot and cold grains can be improved with the sweetness of strawberries. Incorporate frozen strawberries into your smoothie concoctions or dice fresh ones for inclusion in salads, paired dishes, or salsas. Their delightful flavor and wholesome consistency are excellent for enhancing desserts and baked delicacies. Strawberries also serve as tasty coated treats - immerse them in a mix of nut butter or rich dark chocolate for a candy-like snack filled with fiber.

Author: Maya Yoshida