Popcorn Calories, Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Popcorn is a low-calorie snack rich in antioxidants and fiber, beneficial for digestion and heart health. A 24 g serving of popcorn contains 93 calories.

Healthy Eating Guides
Popcorn Calories, Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

For popcorn admirers, it's heartening to be aware of its myriad unexpected health advantages. Although it's low on the calorie scale, it abounds in antioxidants and bestows a good quantity of fiber that assists in digestion and promotes cardiovascular well-being.

Popcorn serves as an enjoyable nibble that can be included in a balanced food regimen. It can easily be prepared at home using methods like stovetop cooking, air-popping devices or microwave oven. Continue reading for further insights into the nutritional values and assets attributed to consuming popcorn.

Popcorn Calories - Nutritional Information

Here is detailed data about popcorn's nutritional values provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for three cups of air-popcorn (24g) without any addition of butter, salt, or oil.

  • Calories: 93
  • Fat: 1.1g
  • Sodium: 1.9mg
  • Carbohydrates: 18.6g
  • Fiber: 3.6g
  • Sugars: 0.2g
  • Protein: 3g
  • Magnesium : 34.5mg

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends a daily intake of 130 grams of carbohydrates for adults and children over the age of 12 months. Just one serving equivalent to 3 cups popcorn delivers about 19 grams carbohydrates and around 15 rams net carbs channelled into our bodies.

Popcorn is laden with dietary propellant which, in fact, is indigestible carbohydrates that bypasses through the digestive course. By eating just a modest portion size as small as three cups can meet nearabouts to one-tenth part your prescribed daily fiber requisites.

On average, adult females should be consuming between 25 -28 grams fibre per day while males need anywhere from from31-34grams on a regular span. For senior citizens it varies marginally lesser; women who are above fifty years require an approximation of nearly 22 grams daily while gentlemen aged beyond fifty could target upkeeping their fibre intake up to 28 grams . The younger ones i.e., kids generally necessitate an ingestion ranging between 14 to somewhat likely 31 grams only.


Popcorn produced via air-popping methods barely has any fats. Typically, the minor fat content consists of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated lipids, rather than saturated fatty substances.

A lot of individuals erroneously believe that the regular microwaved popcorn is nearly identical to the one popped in an air popper. Nevertheless, the issue is that most microwavable popcorn manufacturers utilize oils which are hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated containing detrimental trans-fatty elements. These types of lipids promote conditions such as cardiac arrests, strokes and other serious ailments.

Nutritional Details for Popcorn Addons

Ultimately, any kind of fat used in popping or seasoning popcorn will contribute to its total fat value.

  • A 3-cup serving of popcorn popped in oil carries 164 calories and involves 9 grams of fat.
  • Addition of butter qualifies for an extra 100 calories, inclusive of 11 grams of fat, saturated fats (7g), and sodium content (~90 mg) per tablespoon.
  • Sprinkling grated parmesan introduces a further addition of around 20 calories with proteins (2g), fats (1g), and roughly about 46 mg sodium per tablespoon.

A regular small-sized order at the cinema halls—popcorn amounting to about 88g without any extra butter—still accounts for approximately a caloric count as high as around neat ~531. Fat content adds up to be ~43 g which includes rough estimated data like saturated fats (~25 g), sodium content (~671 mg) along with carbohydrate intake (35 g). This could possibly be attributed to most cinemas choosing Flavacol, an artificially flavored buttery salt seasoning for their popcorn.


Enjoying a portion of popcorn equivalent to 3 cups provides you with a total of 3 grams protein. This is somewhat comparable to the protein content present in one cup of broccoli after being cooked. In general, the daily requirement for men who lead mostly inactive lifestyles sits around at about 56 grams' worth of protein while idle women require somewhere close to approximately 46 grams per day.

How To Calculate Your Ideal Protein Intake

Essential Nutrients in Popcorn

Usually, popcorn is not recognized as a nutritionally packed food. Nonetheless, it contributes a considerable amount of vital minerals and vitamins to our diet. As per the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) established by the FDA, here's what you will get from just one serving of air-popped popcorn (3 cups):

  • Iron: 4.2% of RDI
  • Copper:  7% of RDI
  • Magnesium:  8% of RDI
  • Phosphorus: 7% of RDI
  • Potassium: 2% of RDI
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin): 2% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin): 3% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 2% of the RDI
  • Zinc: 7% of the RDI

Popcorn Calories

Three measures of popcorn (24 grams), prepared with air sans butter, salt or oil, adds up to 93 kcal. Roughly 77% of the energy obtained from popcorn is derived from carbohydrates while protein and fat contribute to about 13% and 10% respectively.

Wellness Advantages

The majority of us often categorize popcorn as a treat rather than a wholesome meal. Nonetheless, popcorn can surprisingly bestow impressive wellness advantages such as aiding in shedding pounds, enhancing digestive health, and reducing susceptibility to heart ailments, diabetes, and potentially even cancer.

Potential Balance Weight Aid

Air-popped popcorn tends to satisfy your hunger more effectively and can be consumed in longer timeframes compared with other snack alternatives. Research disclosed in the Nutrition Journal during 2012 revealed that based on a sample of 35 adults with standard weight, popcorn substantially outperformed potato chips in their ability to satiate.

When contrasting both snacks, study participants claimed that just a mere 15 calories worth of popcorn offered similar satisfaction levels as consuming 150 calories from potato chips. Occasionally substituting chips for popcorn may facilitate stable weight management.

Top 30 Nutritious Foods for Healthy Weight Loss

Could Enhance Gut Health

The majority of the fiber found in popcorn is insoluble, which can contribute to regular bowel movements. Unlike soluble fiber that absorbs water from your gut, this type of fiber increases stool bulk and facilitates its movement through your intestines. Its effects are similar to those of psyllium husk, offering mild constipation relief while lowering the chances of hemorrhoids and intestinal infections.

Equating with 1 cup each of cooked oatmeal or brown rice, there's as much fiber in 3 cups of popcorn. This doesn't imply that you can replace nutrient-dense whole grains with popcorn; however it does highlight the role popcorn plays in upholding a nutritious balanced diet and good digestive health.

We've undergone thorough evaluation procedures for numerous fiber supplements on the market. If you're considering buying a new dietary fiber supplement, consider exploring which alternative might be most suitable for your needs. A conversation with any healthcare professional about these substances would also be beneficial.

Potential Disease Prevention

Popcorn is considered a rich source of certain polyphenols, antioxidants associated with multiple health advantages. Polyphenols work by neutralizing free radicals thereby decreasing vascular inflammation, which subsequently aids in the enhancement of blood flow and blood pressure reduction. This sequence consequently lowers the chance of developing atherosclerosis (artery hardening) as well as cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to flavonoids, phenolic acids, lignans, and stilbenes are part of naturally occurring polyphenols that have been associated with decreasing the risk concerning specific cancers. A review conducted in 2016 from a range analyses suggested that polyphenol such as flavonoids & isoflavones might provide foreseeable protection against breast and prostate cancer.

Guards Against Diverticulitis

Increasing your consumption of insoluble fibres from sources like popcorn and other forms of whole grains makes it possible to sustain regular bowel movements and relieve stress on the intestines. It's also suggested that polyphenols, which are plentiful in foods high in fiber such as popcorn, may aid in lessening inflammation leading to a diverticular outbreak.

Diverticulitis happens to be an infection or swelling of the digestive tract resulting in unusual pouch formations within the intestine. Historically, physicians recommended that people with diverticulitis steer clear from seeds, nuts and even popcorn out of fear these items might get trapped within their intestines triggering inflammatory attacks. Fast forward to today; concrete evidence linking any specified food items like these ones directly causing diverticulitis is minimal.


Corn allergies, broadly speaking, are not common. They may impact individuals who have a sensitivity to other grains such as rice, wheat, rye, or soy. The specifics of how cross-reactivity works is yet to be determined by researchers. However, those with corn allergies may also show signs of intolerance towards some tree pollens and grasses.

Allergic reactions would usually become apparent within a couple of hours after ingesting corn-based food with symptoms like skin eruptions, nausea, diarrhoea sensations in the mouth, and edema in lips being potential indicators. These responses could escalate severely on rare instances bringing about anaphylaxis; a potential risk to life.

There is no documented interfacing between pharmaceuticals and popcorn specifically.

In case you experience distressing symptoms such as panting for breath , irregular fast heartbeat , feeling dizzy ,or inflammation on the face or throat post consumption of popcorn it's imperative that emergency services (Dial 911) or immediate medical assistance should be sought.

Side Effects

As a rule, the majority of individuals can consume air-blown popcorn without confronting any concerns or negative reactions. However, with an escalated consumption of fiber, some might confront issues like bloating, gas, and loose bowels. Any side effects are likely due to any hydrogenated oils used in the popcorn or seasoning agents applied on the kernels as opposed to popcorn itself.

Certain specialists have raised worries over a compound called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), frequently found lining microwaveable popcorn bags. The same substance is often utilized for coating several non-stick cookware pieces. Nevertheless, according to FDA pronouncements the quantity embedded in microwave baggies has been declared safe.

Considering that PFOA quantities tend to build up within our body progressively, additional studies may still be essential for accurately assessing potential long-term risks indicated by PFOA amongst hardcore fans of microwaved popcorn.


There is an abundance of popcorn types, stretching from pre-popped renditions to entire corn kernel with microwave capability. You have the ability to discover whole piece popping kernels in an array of hues such as crimson also widely represented among corn varieties.

Readily available on store counters are versions of pre-popped popcorn boasting an assortment of flavors encompassing caramel, cheddar cheese, buttered up taste and herbal infused variants. Garnishing homemade popped popcorn with these toppings should be a breeze as well.

Getting Ready

Preparing your own popcorn from entire kernels is feasible. It can be air-popped at home or on the stovetop with a little amount of oil. Afterward, you might want to flavor it with additions like nutritional yeast, varied spices and herbs, parmesan cheese, or perhaps just add a tiny pinch of sea salt.

Creating microwaveable popcorn in your kitchen without using a bag is also an option. Just measure out a few tablespoons of kernels into a bowl that's safe for microwaving purposes. Make sure to cover it and then microwave for roughly 2-4 minutes or until there's about one second in between pops. A separate method involves making popcorn on the stovetop utilizing a pot coupled with an appropriately sealing lid.

Commonly Asked Queries

Can popcorn aid in weight loss? Popcorn, having low calorie content, can be a beneficial snack option for those following a healthy diet plan aiming to shed some pounds. Moreover, it is an excellent source of dietary fiber, resulting in prolonged satiety and lower hunger pangs between meal times.

What is the caloric value of homemade popcorn? If you prepare popcorn at home using an air popper, approximately 31 calories are estimated in one cup serving. Addition of other elements like butter or salt may slightly raise this count.

Is consuming microwave popcorn hazardous for health? Consuming microwave popcorn doesn't pose any severe hazard as long the added items like butter or spices remain moderate. But caution has to be exercised with butter-flavored variants due to their potential risk towards lung damage if considerable amounts are breathed over extended duration. This condition often dubbed as "popcorn lung" can be avoided by letting the bag cool thoroughly prior opening to prevent inhaling during consumption.

Healthy Eating Plate

Author: Mary Wilson