Simple Steps to Follow If You Suspect a Pumpkin Seed Allergy

Discover pumpkin seed allergies: rare but can cause itching, hives, and stomach issues in some.

Healthy Eating Guides
Simple Steps to Follow If You Suspect a Pumpkin Seed Allergy

Seeds of pumpkin are tasty and highly nutritious, yet they can induce allergic responses in certain individuals. Allergies to these seeds aren't as prevalent compared to others like sesame - which is considered among the top nine food allergens. Nevertheless, reactions can vary from being mild to potentially fatal.

If you suspect that you're experiencing an allergy due to consumption of pumpkin seeds, continue reading this article for more information about causes, signs and symptoms, related allergies along with potential treatment plans.

Symptoms of Allergy to Pumpkin Seeds

Reactions to pumpkin seeds often show up as skin issues but can extend to respiratory troubles leading to a perilous situation termed anaphylaxis.

At times, you might perceive it as poisoning from the consumption of pumpkin seeds; however, it is likely the result of an extreme allergic response.

Some common symptoms related to a pumpkin seed allergy based on details provided by the London Allergy and Immunology Center are as follows:

  • Skin reactions like rash or itching
  • Oral allergy indicators such as itchiness in throat and mouth
  • Swelling happening around lips or inside tongue and throat
  • Wheezing sounds
  • Difficulty in inhaling properly or feeling short of breath.
  • Anaphylactic reaction.


Should you experience a critical allergic response towards pumpkin seeds manifested through symptoms such as lip, tongue or mouth swelling, difficulty in breathing, unclear speech or abnormal heart rhythm, dial 911 or seek instant medical assistance immediately.


Unrefined or toasted pumpkin seeds can be sprinkled onto salads, starters, baked dishes and utilized as garnishes for soups or main fare.

Making use of ground up pumpkin seeds combined with water is a widely used process to prepare bait for fishing. Those who are exposed frequently to such kind of bait, present an increased propensity towards developing allergies related to pumpkin seeds, according to information from the London Allergy and Immunology Centre.

Predisposition towards other types of seeds or their akin foods could potentially enhance your susceptibility towards inducing allergenic reactions from consumption of pumpkin seed.

In spite of not having any allergic reaction per se, consuming significant amounts of these diminutive sized yet fortifying packed seeds in one seating session may lead to development stomach-oriented discomforts. The fiber generously bestowed in these tiny treats sometimes results in symptoms like gas production and distension; an overload might even cause cramping sensations, making you feel bloated along with possibilities for developing acute painful conditions indicates Mayo Clinic.

Associated Allergies

If you exhibit allergies towards pumpkin seeds then there's a higher probability of developing allergic reactions to foods that share a relationship with it. You might experience cross-reactivity, leading to adverse reactions due to related pulps, plants, and seeds.

There is an array of other foods that your body might react negatively to if you're allergic to pumpkin seeds, especially ingredients belonging to the Rosacea family. This information was concluded in June 2016 by the European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Such food components include:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Cherries

Is it conceivable for someone be hypersensitive only to pumpkin seeds and not pumpkins? Surprisingly yes! Even though it remains quite irregular, having an allergy toward pumpkin seeds can precipitate allergic responses towards pumpkin pulp as well as any members from the Cucurbitaceae family like:

  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Cucumber
  • Zucchini

Sometimes people wonder whether their allergy against pumpkin seed signifies a nut allergy too or even question whether they are safe consuming any part of this seed if they have tree nut allergies already established. Well luckily despite being called "seeds", these aren't classified as tree nuts hence individuals who suffer from tree nut allergies typically avoid food items such as cashews, almonds, pine nuts walnuts and Brazil nuts instead.

Dealing with Pumpkin Seed Allergies

If a specialist determines that you're allergic to pumpkin seeds, the optimal strategy to prevent any adverse reactions is simply to stay away from the seeds and any products containing them.

Given that pumpkin seeds are frequently used for culinary decoration, it's crucial information for your safety when dining out - make sure restaurant waitstaff are aware. Also be meticulous about checking ingredients listed on pre-packaged foods.

For mild symptoms like skin irritations, itchiness or minor swelling, an over-the-counter antihistamine such as Benadryl can help mitigate these allergic responses.

However, if consuming pumpkin seeds triggers acute reactions in you, seek immediate medical assistance because an injection of epinephrine might be necessary. If you've previously suffered severe reactions after eating pumpkin seeds, discuss carrying an EpiPen with your healthcare provider as a precautionary measure against potential life-threatening situations.

Author: Lionel Carter